Bathroom/room ventilation
Sewage lines and, frequently, entire rooms or devices, such as kitchen hoods, are ventilated through the roof. The comprehensive product portfolio of RAKU offers suitable bushings and/or end pieces for all kinds of roof cladding. The shape and material enable an optically attractive and functional ventilation.
RAKU exhaust pipes with fixed or flexible base plate
For slate, shingle or plane-tiles roofs
- Base plate 300 x 400 mm with lateral groove to
drain rainwater
- Custom design with fixed base plate
depending on the roof slope
- Variable design with flexible base plate
with roof slope between 15° and 40°
For brick or concrete roofing tile roofs
- Lead connection 450 x 500 mm made of Saturnblei, Bleiplus
or Bleicolor lead
- Custom design with fixed base plate
depending on the roof slope
- Variable design with flexible base plate
from 15° to 40°
With SOFTZINC connection
As an alternative for the lead connection in the following designs:
- Bright as rolled, with and without adhesive film
- Anthracite, with and without adhesive film
- Brick red, with and without adhesive film
For standing seam cladding
- Flexible connection with clinched edge for soldering
onto the roof area. Variable from 15° to 40°
- Custom design with fixed flange
depending on the roof slope
For flat roofs
- Round base plate Ø 400 - 450 mm
- Single-part or two-part design
For trapezoidal sheet roofs
- With condensation ring
- Connectable on site with rubber sealing sleeve
The hood is always delivered separately so that the exhaust pipes can be used variably for room or sewage line ventilation. According to DIN 1986-100, the end pipes of sewage ventilation lines shall preferably be conducted above the roof and shall be open at the top.